Tuesday, 9 September 2008

It's good to be loved..

My fabulous roomie, the delectable A. found me a wireless cafe in Agdal, serving cafe au lait to the infidels during Ramadan! I love that boy.


jmb said...

So exactly who loves who here? Confused, as usual? Tough season for the infidels that Ramadan.

Leslie: said...

I'm curious as to where you're going to end up next. After finding you in Morocco and reading of some of your "exploits," what possibly could follow? Anticipation.....


He found you just the one. There are many. How come you have never heard of the likes of Bert's...

lady macleod said...

love all 'round! Tough season indeed. Thank you for coming by.

It's a surprise!
thank you for coming by.

mister norris
because sometimes things just go right over my head!
thank you for coming by.

darth sardonic said...

and it has nothing to do with his 12 pack abs and the boxers?