Wednesday 13 July 2011

Hard choices..

Yesterday I had to make the choice between the Prayers and Ritual Dance at the Verizon Center, or the lunch for sponsors with the promised appearance of HIs Holiness. Argh... At the lunch I was regretting my choice, and then - the Universe does that thing it does and an old/new friend appeared. A lovely woman to whom I felt an immediate bond. I love it when that happens! She is from Philadelphia - where my children went to school (at Penn), A is now attending medical school there, and they have their house there because they love the city....Her husband attended Penn for medical school! She has four gorgeous children, and a grandchild, but looks like she's just getting started! She is one of those 'glow-y people', those who simply glow with good will and beauty. I'm looking forward to getting to know her much better over the next few days. What a grand gift.


Later that day.... Our Katie is in town, doing her save the world through politics thing, and was sweet enough to make time to see me. I did a little bit wicked thing..... I played matchmaker between our Katie and my new best buddy Zach (the wonderful young man who works downstairs at the only good restaurant in this very mediocre hotel that has a very accommodating and kindly staff). We had a brilliant time. I'd been up since 0530 hrs, hit the gym, did the studying, and then the l o n g luncheon, so I was dragging a bit, until I was infected by their youthful and passionate energies. Zach led us from one great restaurant to another (they were all booked up, so REALLY good restaurants!); until he finally (bless his heart) found us a place that was just right - excellent food and wonderful service in a totally lovely atmosphere, SEI. It was a very lively dinner with Katie and I regaling Zach with stories of Morocco, and him telling us some of his stories.

From our time in Fez

Once we made it back to my hotel, and I sent them down to the Metro, I came upstairs washed my face and collapsed!!! I fear my nightly telephone call with the adorable husband was barely coherent. But a great day! What a lucky girl am I, aye?

And now I am 'up and moving', had my tea, and must get dressed and off to Prayers at the Verizon Center. Today is the first day of the Empowerment so it's really an exciting time.


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