Tuesday, 30 October 2007

who needs words?

M.C. Solaar and Klong Chen Pa snooze in NYC


Kim said...

They are gorgeous and look oh so happy.

Annie said...


jmb said...

Well they just don't get along at all, do they? Adorable and I'm not even a cat person.

Whispering Walls said...


jams o donnell said...

What beautiful cats. The one on the left is a picture of utter contentment.

lady macleod said...


I know!

thank you for coming by.

lady macleod said...



thank you for coming by.

lady macleod said...


No, not at all. They are indeed a pair.

thank you for coming by.

lady macleod said...


back at 'cha.

thank you for coming by.

lady macleod said...

jams of donnell

Thank you. The one on the left made it from the streets of Fez as a homeless, hungry kitten, to the snazzy streets of NYC; with Mr. blue-blood-my-dad's-a-champion on the right! So yes, I think he is pretty contented! Good assessment on your part.

thank you for coming by.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Aaaaah! So pretty.

Pamela T. said...

MC Solaar looks so completely healthy and in such great form. Clearly he enjoy his home and his new friend.

Glad the trip is going well. Have you had time to pop in the PBS series yet?

James Higham said...

Aw - sweet.

Be Inspired Always said...

Beautiful kitties. :)


lady macleod said...

be inspired always

Thank you!

and thank you for coming by.

lady macleod said...

count james

thank you m'lord, and thank you for coming by.

lady macleod said...

pamela jeanne

Yes he is a very happy cat indeed.

I have begun the PBS series, and I am enjoying it. Soon I shall be ordering my hat and six-guns.

lady macleod said...

welshcakes limoncello

Thank you, and thank you for coming by.