Friday 11 May 2007

a lost day

(written 10 may, 2300 hours)
2245 hours: just as I am in the midst of my blog reading, out go the lights, first time since we have been here. I got the torch and went up to the terrace and the entire community inside the fort is out! Poof! We lit the candles and prepared to use the two or so hours on our laptop batteries and then it is bedtime in any case. Apparently the good news here is that this does not appear to be a frequent occurrence as it has caused quite a fracas. People on the streets with candles, torches, and cell phones, and on the terraces with same, laughing and questioning the cause of our predicament. All of us checking out the rest of the city across the river sparkling in the dead of night, but here you look up into a light show better than any planeterium – diamonds on black silk velvet. Oh sing me a song of romance indeed.
11 may 2007, Rabat Morocco

Migraine day today. Drugs, bed, and the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. It has not been one of the truly bad ones today, so I will be back on the morrow.


Pig in the Kitchen said...

Hope the head gets better.

The Secretary said...

I too am a migraine suffer, so you have my sympathies.

I have recently discovered Rizatriptan, which they only perscribe in 6's. They are fabulous and I am no longer out for the day or day's as sometimes happens!

Hope you are better soon.

lady macleod said...

Piggy dear and the secretary,

Thank you for the caring words. It is truly a black hole that sucks in time - I lose a day, or two, or three. but it could be worse yes? It can always be worse, so I am grateful for what it is not.

I shall inquire about the Rizatriptan secretary, but up until now I have had no luck with the medications.

Today is a better day :-)

James Higham said...

Most immediate.